DOD is implementing important updates to the DOD SkillBridge partner application process to better manage and support our partnerships. On 31 July 2024 the Department ended rolling enrollment for new Industry Partner applications.
Effective 1 October 2024 DOD SkillBridge will transition to structured application enrollment periods.
DOD SkillBridge Authorized Organizations MOUs are automatically extended through 30 June 2025; MOU renewals will be processed prior to the 30 June 2025 blanket expiration date.
A revised DOD SkillBridge Industry Provider Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) goes into effect with new criteria for renewals and future partnerships.
Prospective SkillBridge organizations are highly encouraged to attend a bi-weekly DOD SkillBridge New Partner Application Process Information Sessions: DOD SkillBridge Program - Industry Partner Page (
If you have questions or need assistance with the DOD SkillBridge program, please contact us.
Each year approximately 200,000 members of the U.S. Armed Forces, stationed in over 140 military installations in the U.S. and overseas, will leave active duty and re-enter the civilian work force or pursue higher education.
Through the SkillBridge program industry partners benefit from gaining early access to the extensive experience, skills, and unmatched work ethos Service members bring to the workforce. Employers craft SkillBridge programs to meet their specific workforce needs, matching those needs to the skills and abilities of highly motivated Service members, all at no cost.
The U.S. Department of Defense continues to pay the service member's salary and benefits while they participate in SkillBridge. This opportunity may last up to the final 180 days of service. Military installation Commanders can make on-base facilities available to industry partners for use in their SkillBridge programs, or members may be authorized to train at the industry partner's location off installation at minimal to no cost.
Don't let location limit your access to this talented, skilled, and dedicated workforce. With SkillBridge, your organization can support service members on active duty while avoiding some of the logistics of on-site support. SkillBridge partners across the nation may take advantage of virtual, online, or distance learning and training options.
It may seem too good to be true, but there is no catch except the opportunity to catch the best talent entering the civilian labor force each year. This unique opportunity is provided to service members by the Department of Defense (DOD). The DOD benefits when service members return to civilian life with meaningful and gainful employment. The DOD wants the best possible outcomes for our members--not just short-term jobs, but careers with good pay and opportunities for advancement just as they had during their military service.
To be a successful SkillBridge industry partner, be sure that your organization:
Use the information and links below to learn what to prepare for as your organization readies for the DOD SkillBridge Program. Go through the information before submitting an Inquiry Form—being familiar with this information will make the rest of the process smoother. When you're ready, submit an Inquiry Form (click the "How to Participate" tab above) to receive the information for completing the application.
Note: As published in the joint ethics regulations of the DOD, and as outlined in the U.S. Department of Labor guidance, service members participating in a SkillBridge program are participating in a Capstone training experience at the end of their military career. The Department of Defense will continue to cover the salaries and benefits of the participating members, thus they are NOT eligible for wages or other benefits from industry partners.
To get started, please complete the Inquiry Form for interested Industry Partners on the Contact Us page, and check the "I want to apply for the SkillBridge Program now" checkbox if you are ready to begin the application process.